Summer Reading Series Giveaway: Going Lactose-Free, Dairy-Free, or Vegan …
This week’s books combine knowledge and food for two informational reads and of course, some delicious recipes to boot.
The first is a fun one, Planet Lactose: The best of the blog is a neatly organized collection of featured posts from lactose intolerance guru, Steve Carper. The bits and bites (almost like reading a series of newspaper and magazine clippings) are sorted into the following chapters: Lactose Intolerance, For the Vegans, Probiotics, Dairy and Other Allergies, Babies: Formula and Feeding Issues, Food and Nutrition, Dairy and Nondairy Milks, A Hungry Person’s Collection of Cookbooks, Genetics, Product Reports, Animal Planet, and Miscellany and the Just Plain Weird.
The second, Go Dairy Free: The Guide and Cookbook (you might recognize this one?) is half information, half recipe, substitutes and more. Whether you are dairy-free, wanting to cut back a bit, or simply interested in the diet, I think you will find it a good read and a good baseline for recipes. It is vegan-friendly (egg-free and meat-free options for all!). I know some of you are already Go Dairy Free owners, but I won’t fault you if you want to win a copy to give as a gift.
I was just going to giveaway Planet Lactose this week, but thought I would throw in a copy of Go Dairy Free since I was feeling extra generous and the two books go together well as (dare I say) *must* reads for anyone who is dairy-free.
Enter to win these books NOW:
1st Entry – Comment and answer the following: Do you follow any type of free-from diet?
2nd Entry – Become a fan of Go Dairy Free on Facebook (or in other words ‘Like’ it), and leave a comment here letting me know you did (or that you already are a fan!).
3rd Entry – For another chance to win, share this giveaway via facebook, twitter, or your blog, and leave a second comment here letting me know that you did.
Entries will close on Monday, August 16th!
The Summer Book Series Giveaways will go on every week in July & August, so stay tuned!
118 thoughts on “Summer Reading Series Giveaway: Going Lactose-Free, Dairy-Free, or Vegan …”
meat-free diet here!
No processed foods, no soy, no cruel foods. Its hard and I’m not even giving up as much as most people do.
Gluten and Lactose Free
Already a FB Fan
I’m eating without dairy. My body is so much healthier! I will continue to be dairy free and would LOVE to have more information/ideas from your Go Dairy Free book.
Shared this link on my FB page
I don’t twitter or facebook but sent your url to a friend.
Gluten and Dairy free here brand new to it..
Liked “Go Dairy Free” on Facebook! 🙂
oo and finally I shared and linked this on FB.
Dairy free (lactose intolerant)
“liked” Go Dairy Free” on FB.
Gluten, lactose, and corn-free!
Soy- and dairy-free, might start gluten-free as well.
My 1 year old daughter is Lactose and egg free.
I am gluten and dairy free for a year and a half. Thanks for the giveaway!
I “liked” Go Dairy Free on FB.
My girlfriend’s doctor told her to try going dairy-free to see if it would help her migraines. As the main cook of the household, I’m at a loss for what to make her and would really appreciate having a new book to help. By the way, I love your website, it’s been a great help!
I also “liked” Go Dairy Free on Facebook!
I liked Go Dairy Free on Facebook!
Free from processed foods and high fructose corn syrup! Woot woot!
I can’t digest dairy.
I just became a fan in Go Dairy Free in Facebook.
I’m lactose intolerant so I try to be free-from dairy, but I pretty much can’t resist cheesecake… 😛
I am a vegan, and therefore free of animals! I also try to eat mostly whole foods, though I sometimes fall victim to convenience and eat a veggie burger or frozen vegan dinner. My father is severely lactose intolerant, and I’d like to win these cookbooks so that I can make foods for him, too.
fanned you ages ago
I am vegan, GF, raw, soy light.
thx for the give away, alisa!
I am a vegan, so dairy free and meat free and egg free. Also gluten free. That is a lot of “frees”! I could use these books 🙂
We are gluten/casein/soy free here. I actually have both books on my amazon wish list!
my diet is “free-from” gluten, dairy, and squash! random allergies that came into my life in my early 20s, but i feel so much better now… although i’m always looking for new ideas! thanks for the giveaway!
I just had my beautiful new baby girl-and before she was even 3 weeks old they took me off all dairy and soy foods (I am nursing her). I have been doing this for 2 weeks now and they say I will need to continue till she is at least 6 months if not longer! This is proving to be a hard transition for me-mainly because I am on a daily struggle on what to cook/eat and prepare for my family. I have been doing well but am really missing “normal” foods and these cookbooks look great! I am really feeling good but my brain wants all the old foods-so good subs is what I am in need of:) Thanks for all your hard work-this website is amazing!
I am now a fan of your website on facebook!
I have shared the link to your giveaway on my facebook page as well.
I follow a gluten-free and dairy-free diet. Love your blogs!
I’m a fan on Facebook.
I shared the link to this giveaway on Facebook.
I don’t follow any particular diet, but my oldest is allergic to dairy, soy, and tomatoes. I REEEEEEALLY hope she grows out of it because I now have to cook dairy, soy, and tomato free dinners for the family. It’s very time consuming to keep combing through my cookbooks to find something that works and variety is HUGE for me too. And I don’t want us to eat meat everyday. **sigh**
I like Go Dairy Free on FB. Thanks!
Hi! I blogged about your giveaway today! Thanks!
I am on a fast-food-free diet and almost processed-food-free (whenever possible!) diet. However, I do try to be careful about knowing the origins of the vast majority of what I do consume, as much as and whenever I can!!
I just found out this week at 27 years old that many of the problems i’ve been having my whole life are probably the result of several food allergies. However, now that I have to try an elimination diet, i’m lost as to how to begin cutting things like dairy from EVERYTHING. I wanted to buy this book, but would rather win it! Also going to ‘like it’ on fb.
I am not on a free-food diet but I am a fan of foodie food and favor an organic veggie diet whenever I can!
Soooo…. I want to enter for a chance to give this as a gift for my friend Jamie at “What I did Today.” Her baby is on a dairy-free diet.
[email protected]
Thanks for hosting this awesome give-away!!!
Hi there,
I would love to win these books because over the past year I have discovered I have food allergies to Milk Protein, Soy Protein, Eggs, Chicken, Turkey, Strawberries and Gluten. At the age of 44, I have finally discovered the source of my extreme health issues, and after eliminating the culprits from my diet for over 8 months now, I have been able to stop taking an immuno-suppressent drug for an “auto-immune disease” that I have been on for six years. My body is finally healing and I would love more recipes for my tool box!
Just went Dairy Free and relying on Go Dairy Free to get me up to speed.
I have just started dairy-free. It seems I have become lactose-intolerant…
I’m attempting to be dairy free since I believe I have lactose intolerance & possible dairy allergy. Would LOVE these books!!
Liked on FB!
No processed foods!
I have lately been experimenting with gluten-free. I’m also exploring the vegan lifestyle.
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